year of jolie: painting your fireplace, what finish and topcoat?

Sep 24, 2021 | 2021 #yearofjolie, fivethirty at home


This straight forward finish is a great option for those wishing for a total color change or a more modern look. We recommend applying 2-3 coats of a single paint using a Jolie Signature Brush for easy application.  


A washed finish is best for those who want to allow some of the original stone or brick to peek through. We find that layering two or three colors in varying tones works best for creating a more natural look.

Starting with your darkest color first, add a bit of water to the paint, brush it on using a Signature Brush, then wipe or blot off the excess using a clean rag. A terrycloth towel or painters rag will work best, as opposed to a paper towel. Continue these steps with the remaining colors, working your way from darkest to lightest and blending as you go. You can continue to spritz the surface with water as needed to help the paint settle into any hard to reach areas.


A topcoat is not required, however, if you wish to seal your painted finish, Jolie Finishing Wax or Varnish in Gloss or Low-Luster can be used. Keep in mind we do not recommend a topcoat for fireplaces where the surround experiences high temperatures, so you’ll want to test this out beforehand. Be sure to also check your local building codes for to confirm if there are any restrictions on painting near a firebox.