Day 15: sticky swatch

Feb 22, 2013 | News

Hello! I often say I don’t want us to be just another “antique” store. I want this store to be a DIY destination. Need a side table? We are the place. Need some cool paint? Come on in. Want a pretty for your mantle just because? You bet. Can’t decide what color to paint your walls? Hmmmm, we have just the thing for you!
We are so pleased to carry evrEwares’ Giant Sticky swatches!


I can’t decide if I should share it’s intended use first or show you all the cool ways we use it at fivethirty???
Ok, picture it…you can’t decide which of the pale greens you want to paint your living room because one looks more yellow in the morning and the other looks too gray all the time. Get out your sample quarts and our Giant Sticky swatches. Paint one of each color and stick them up on the wall. You can move them around as much as you want with no damage to your walls and no sticky loss. And, you avoid the crazy stripes of a million different colors on your walls!!
Now, how do we use them? Stick one up and use a sharpie for a giant list…


 …as our place mats for Milk Paint class…

…spray with chalkboard paint and stick it on a piece of wood…

…the possibilities are endless!

Here’s a link to evREwares’ other cool products:
Bye for now,
