Day 16: so thankful

Feb 28, 2013 | News

When we started the store, I didn’t really know what to expect. My parents ran their own business for 32 years so you would think I would have some concept. I was a kid, though, so I don’t think I really appreciated all the time and hard work they put into it.

Yes, it’s a lot of work. It especially seems like a lot of work for someone who has been at home with the kids for the last 10 years. Lucky for me, I don’t mind hard work. When dedicated to something, I will work until myself and everyone I know are exhausted.

And the rewards are many…sure, there is the monetary (we hope). That’s part of it. However, I feel rewarded when someone finds something that is perfect for them. I love it when someone does a project that turns out just the way they wanted it almost as much as when that happens with my own projects!

I wish I could bottle the feeling I’m talking about. It’s like on Saturday when I talked to Leisel and then later, to Kate. I would never know them if it weren’t for the store and I feel so lucky to be able to talk to them when they stop in. And, like today, I got to talk to Amy and her daughter again. This time we talked about a bedroom project and New England vs. Midwestern antiques. Another reward!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am to be doing what I love to do and for all the people and experiences along the way!

Bye for now,
