Day 22: the erica special

Apr 17, 2013 | News

Hello! I’ve been MIA lately with Spring Break and getting back in the groove after Spring Break.

But now, I’m back and I do solemnly swear to write more. I really, really do.

While I was relaxing in sunny Florida, the girls were busy in the store. One item they sold was this buffet…

We measured this piece for several people. People brought their husbands to see it. It was one of my faves! So many people asked about the finish, we gave it a name. It will now forever be known as the “Erica Special”! It is black with a rubbed antique gold and lovely (I guess if I created it and named it after myself, you know I like it).

Here’s a close up…

…of a newly painted sofa table, Erica Special style.

Come in for a peek soon!!

Bye for now,
