I knew as soon as we took the tour when we were in discussions to rent our new space that I wanted the front room to be a creative space to hold our workshops. It was a great setup – one side was larger with room for shelves and tables and the other side could hold extra storage and more seating for some other seminars I knew we wanted to have.
My husband, Jim, built a few tables and we painted them in Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Grain Sack and Shutter Gray
Here is a glimpse of one of my favorite parts of the paint room, the frame wall as well as a picture of one of the tables. We painted an empty frame in each of the MMSMP colors. Finished with our beeswax, I think they give a great glimpse of the colors of the paint line and add some interest to the room.
Here’s a cute video of it coming together…
Up Next: pennants and the paintbrush chandelier