
Jan 8, 2017 | Erica's Pick, Inspiration, News

I have read several articles about hygge (pronounced HOO|gah) and I am completely smitten. Hygge is not a concrete item, but more a feeling given this name from the Danish. It can roughly be translated to contentment in English. It is a distinctly Scandinavian concept though it has been making its way across the Atlantic to the US. 


Hygge is a sense of togetherness and fulfillment of simple pleasures. It means different things to different people. Some talk about taking walks by a lake with their boyfriend and others cooking an old family recipe. Because it originates in the Scandinavian countries, it is also feeling warmth inside while it is cold outside. All images are from Vibeke Design, a Scandinavian blogger whose images, to me, exemplify hygge. 


One defining characteristic of hygge is creating a sense of home, for yourself and your guests. What things surround you? Are they meaningful or just things? Some carefully chosen items to surround yourself with are: plants, heirlooms, books, music, a defined workspace and corners to recharge.

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The idea of a corner to recharge is especially appealing to me. Nothing is more hygge to me than to sit for a few minutes in a tucked away space with a good book. As a working mom with four boys, these moments are few a far between during the school year and busy months at the store. However, I am making an effort to cut away little snippets for myself and having a beautiful space just for me is a top goal for 2017.

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This spring, I also want to immerse myself in learning more about flowers. I know what I like, but would love to learn more about when certain flowers bloom and how to creep through the spring and summer with new growth throughout the season. When we lived in The Village, we purchased our first home from an elderly woman who had her flower garden timed so beautifully. I still think of it in awe.


One of the many beautiful aspects of Vibeke Design’s photos are her use of light in the pictures. I’ve honestly not given much thought to soft lighting, but it certainly provides a mood, doesn’t it? As I focus more on my photography, I want to include more interesting and natural light. I also want to create a more naturally lit home and store to see how it changes the feeling of living and working in natural light.


2017 is going to be the Year of the Hygge for me. I have already scheduled to focus on photography and floral. I hope you will be involved in my search for contentment and start one of your own!