new products: outback petticoat and stencils

Jan 13, 2017 | Milk Paint, News

We are really excited about the latest MMSMP products. If you know me well, you know I love orange. I have an orange room in my home (actually, we have two now that my 12 year old convinced me his room should be orange also). So, imagine my excitement when I hear Miss Mustard Seed has come up with an orange! It is a great orange to boot. Not too orange but not too coral. We are excited!


When I attended a retailer event at the Miss Mustard Seed studio last winter, I got a little preview of the stencils and I’ve been keeping it to myself all this time. Whew, we can finally share…they are all named after ladies in Marian’s family. How sweet is that? And, how sweet are the stencils?

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