oh boy oh boy oh boy
This month’s product of the month is one of my favorites of the whole line, all natural hemp oil. When I talk about hemp oil during our classes at the store, the attendees usually purchase some hemp oil because I gush and gush about its many uses and wonderful properties.
- We use it on all of our wood pieces that will not be painted before we bring them in the store. It is a great way to clean, nourish and rejuvenate wood pieces.
- Wet sanding…if you haven’t done this, you must try. In a nutshell: paint, dry, squirt on the hemp oil, break out the 220 sandpaper and enjoy the smoothest finish you’ve ever felt.
- Resist: Apply a little hemp oil between two color of milk paint and create your own chippy goodness.
- Cast iron and metal: Season and clean your cast iron and metal pieces because ta-da, Hemp Oil is 100% food safe.
- Wood kitchen islands and tables, cutting boards and anything else you eat off of. So easy and good for the wood!