If you are like me, you love HGTV. I love the design shows – especially Fixer Upper and any of Sarah Richardson’s shows. It started with Sarah’s Cottage and then I did all seasons of Sarah’s House….and Sarah Sees Potential and Sarah 101!
In addition to her style, which I would call classic with a twist, one of the best things about the shows is her dynamic with Tommy Smythe, her assistant. They are so much fun to watch and obviously have great success bouncing ideas off of one another.
When I went to Toronto last Fall, Tommy was doing an appearance at the Toronto Home Show and I semi-stalked him to get this picture! (and you should follow him on Instagram because he has the funniest hashtags ever!!)
Anyway, on to Sarah’s style and why I love it. Here are some pictures of her Summer Cottage from the first show that got me hooked:
The kitchen is a nice, crisp white with mint tones. And, that bedroom is nautical and amazing. As I look more closely, I see alot of the things I look for to have in the store:
– Milk glass, which when displayed as a large collection looks really beautiful
-Salvaged corbels and reclaimed wood used on her kitchen island
-Antique dresser in beautiful natural finish painted and reupholstered chair
I moved on to Sarah’s House next…
Her use of fabric and textiles is what I pay attention to most. I still have dreams about the curtains in this bathroom! She creates a color scheme and makes her secondary fabric from what she calls the “jumping off point.” It is usually a fabric but can be anything that inspires her for the room.
And, finally, just to show us that even a new build can have that Sarah charm and style, here is one of my favorite rooms she’s done…
I know, it’s amazing!!