Our Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint product of the month for June is one of the most important products in the whole line! As many of you know, Milk Paint will not adhere to nonporous surface. A good rule of thumb is: the shinier the piece, the more chippy your piece will be. If you want a more opaque, “refined” look, bonding agent will be your new BFF.
We use bonding agent about 95% of the time because our customers like full coverage with slightly distressed edges. We also use Bonding Agent on what I have termed a “sliding scale” where zero bonding agent is for raw wood, terra cotta, unsealed brick and stone and very worn pieces and double (twice as much as the paint measurement) for things that are varnished, metal and other impenetrable items. For basic old furniture with an old finish, we stick to somewhere in between!
Here is some great info from the Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Blog about Chippy vs. Non-Chippy! Happy Painting!!