before and after: large french provincial set

Jun 29, 2015 | Before & After, Milk Paint, News

We found a large French Provincial bedroom set at auction and then had the difficult task of determining paint color! We wanted to show off some of the other paint colors in the Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint line we haven’t used as much on big pieces. There were lots of pieces though so we did some neutral in a Grain Sack/Ironstone mix and some in Mustard Seed Yellow with a custom mix of white wax…

The yellow pieces…

ba75_mustard seed mirror

ba71_mustard seed dresser 26 aftermustard seed 2

And the neutral pieces…

ba70_ironstone dresser ba73_ironstone night stands

ba74_ironstone bench

ba72_ironstone bed

The bed and the mirror are still available BUT we just did another smaller set in Eulalie’s Sky — can’t wait to show you that one!