Marian’s studio is such an inspiring and beautiful space. From behind the counter on the chalkboard wall…
To the MMSMP paint colors all lined up…
To seeing pieces she’s been posting on her own blog…
It was amazing. I would have packed it all up and brought it back to Zionsville but a bigger van would have been required! I did snatch up a few pieces of ironstone and we went to an antique store where Marian and Kriste shop.
The first day was mostly talk about products, painting a little and talking about how we as retailers use and answer questions about Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint. I even wore my paint sweater…
It was one of those days that you never want to see end. I talk about shared ideas to the sounds of sandpaper in my classes all the time. I love talking with other creatives and it was so inspiring! I can’t wait to bring some of our ideas back to 20 N Main!!
Stay tuned for the final post about our visit, day 2!