Before and After: Dry Brushed Table using Gesso White

Q: Hey Erica! How do you get a dry brushed look with Jolie Paint? A: I’m glad you asked! Load a very small amount of your color (we chose Gesso White) to your Jolie Chip Brush by dipping just the very tips of the bristles into the paint. Offload your brush onto...

Jolie Paint Tip: Storage

Let’s chat about storing your Jolie Paint! Storing your paint correctly is crucial in extending the life of the opened paint and ensuring it remains in its best condition project after project! Because Jolie Paint dries quickly, it is best to keep as much paint as...

Jolie Paint Tip: Size Guide

What size do you need? We can special order gallons for large projects and have most other sizes in stock (if available from Jolie)!!   Not sure how much paint you need for your next project? We’ve got you covered! You can use this simple calculation to...